海淘优惠码 > 商家大全 > dreamhost优惠码 > dreamhost

  • 网站名称:dreamhost
  • 网站地址:http://www.dreamhost.com
  • 支付方式:支持visa、 mastercard、 american express、paypal
  • 优惠码使用:dreamhost优惠码怎么使用
  • 网站简介:DreamHost创建于1997年,现在已经发展成为拥有1500多个服务器,支持着80多万网站,雇佣70多名全职专业人员的大型虚拟主机服务商。以价格低廉,空间大,且没有CPU限制而著名,国内很多网站都使用了dreamhost的空间。
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    Dream host has been winning my business heart for over 5 years and always a first choice. For shared hosting they its great and unbeatable. Perfect custom panel for admin for running multiple websites. It works very well and trustworthy too. Lucky to work with this,
    Im very happy with their customer service, they responded my mails very fast, also their dedicated server its very easy tu use, the price for the service is too low!
    Dreamhost's refusal to fix a simple ongoing email issue that affected at least 50% of emails sent --having to constantly record the email was NOT spam when sent to more than one recipient resulted in, after MANY MONTHS of 'no fix' and a lot of lip service --my off the chart frustration. Their solution? Kick me off the hosting plan. After YEARS of loyal payment and many, many referrals. Great business. A Lot of lip service NO SOLUTION. Find Any other hosting company BUT Dreamhost
    I personally did not use their service, but for a good reason. Other site-review websites all have the same reviews: some 5-star generic reviews by new accounts and 1-star reviews by veteran accounts. I almost signed up for Dreamhosting because it seemed like a good deal, but they require you to pay for 2 years up front. Looking at other reviews, Dreamhosting's servers are always extremely laggy or down. Just, don't get caught in a 2-year contract with a terrible webserver. Stay away
    30 minutes waiting for their $#*! chat and still not reply Always that $#*!ty message im done wow
    Dream host is the best when it comes to web hosting and influencing other to satrt there online businesses or blog
    I have evidence from Tracing, that shows that Dreamhost is a fake. Apon Tracing the I. P. of a Music and Video Pirating website called, Gendou, I discovered who ever runs Dreamhost, also runs Gendou. I did farther looking and found that Dreamhost doesnt own any other website. Im not expert, but I think it speaks for itself.
    I've been a happy Dreamhost customer for over 4 years. For shared hosting they can't be beat. Very good custom panel for admin for running multiple websites. You can get a wordpress blog installed and running in under 5 mins. The biggest problem I've run into with other hosts is that having multiple domains using Cpanel can be tricky. Dreamhost solved this with developing their own custom admin panel, and it works very well. They also have very little downtime.
    Dreamhost sounded like a winning choice with it's low hosting package cost, monthly cost was great but overall service and more importantly website access speed were snail pace. I was getting too many emails from clients which i was hosting their sites complaining how slow websites were loading and had to switch to more a faster service after Dreamhost did not respond to my inquiries on the matter and luckily found another webhoster at Hostinger at a cheaper rate and faster access speed. Dreamhost became a distant memory soon after.
    Their customer service is not all that good, They will keep giving you article to read and not answer questions. Others don't know what they are talking about, others will help you. Their dedicated sever don't have an easy daily back up for you to manage you have to do a corn from your server. That would be your only daily back up for your web site, other than they have their own at mid night in CA. That not good for me, cause my developer works that hours and don't finish till 8a since they are from India. They don't have an easy restore for your contents back up files you would have to go through your ftp files and do your own restore.
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